Artbook Bounceback Community
A wonderful way to share and develop your creative abilities within a diverse and supportive community
Have a look at the video to see how it works.

You can either work in your (or someone else's) Artbook for a bit every day, or put aside an hour or so every half month to be creative! It's very flexible.
You will sign up for a three month block (either as a one off payment of £45 or in monthly instalments of £15 - the choice is yours).
Although your Artbook will belong too you, other artists will be creatively expressive within your Artbook.
Artists that participate in ABC will have a wide variety of abilities and experiences, and will work in a multitude of different media, you have no control over how other artists will respond to the challenge.
Although the UK postal system is one of the most secure and reliable in the world, occasionally things do go missing.
Other artists working in your Artbook will take as much care as they can - however - accidents do happen!
If the number of artists participating drops to a level where the ABC cannot function, your Artbook will be returned to you, and there will be a refund for the months not done.
Due to the nature of this project, ABC is for adults only
You will need to keep to deadlines (I know ... not something that creative people are famous for!)
You can either post the Artbooks back to The Artroom (Large letter size postage) - or drop them off in person!
If your Artbook fills up, The Artroom will supply another!
things to think about

So, what does the art book look like and what do we get?

Have a look at this short video. Any questions do get in touch.
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