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These Art Awards are designed to help young artists over the age of 6 to develop an interest in creating amazing pieces of art, and allow them to gain pride in what they make. There is no time limit to how long it takes to achieve the awards, and young artists can work their way through all three Awards or skip to the level that is offered to their age group. Here is what is required for each level, some general guidance, and information on how to claim the awards.

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Sapphire Awards.png
Emerald Award.png
Sapphire final.png

How do we take part in The Artroom Art Awards?


Visit the online Shop (click the Ruby below) and sign up the young person for an Award.


There is a £10 registration fee for each award.


When you sign up your young artist will be sent a welcome letter and an Arts Award badge to wear so everyone knows they are a young artist working towards their Art Awards. They will be issued with an Artroom Art Awards membership number. 

Follow the instructions for each Award. As the participant completes each section make a record of the work they do. Send photographs (or appropriate files) to the special Artroom Art Awards email. 

When the participant has completed all sections of the Award, they will be sent a congratulatory letter, Diamond stickers (if appropriate), a certificate, and a badge to wear with pride.


Some frequently asked questions:


Do I send the original artwork to The Artroom?

No, please only send photographs of the original pieces of art to the special email address: If the work is not in a format that can be photographed, please contact The Artroom.


Do we send an email with each finished piece, or do we wait until all the pieces of artwork are finished and send as one big collection?

You can do either. However, sending groups of work will make the administration easier.  Just remember to include your membership number.


Is there a standard of quality the artwork needs to be to pass a test?

No, The Art Awards are designed to encourage all abilities. As long as the participant has tried their best and has put in a good amount of effort (the award gives some guidelines on this) then that is what is required.


The young person doing this award is not very good at writing. Do they have to do much writing for the fact file and account of their visit to a gallery/museum?

The participants can present the fact files and accounts in any format. They could produce it in a written format, but they could equally well do it as an audio file, PowerPoint presentation, scrap book, a video... in fact, any way that they feel shows off their enthusiasm and knowledge the best.


The young person doing this award has a disability that would prevent them fulfilling all the criteria. Can they still take part?

At The Artroom we want everyone to participate in being creative. If there is a need to adapt the criteria, we are only too pleased to help you create a challenge that is more suited to the needs of the individual. Do get in touch and we will work out something that is challenging and fun.


Can adults help the young people create their finished pieces?

Yes, but it is much more fulfilling if the participants lead the projects, with their ideas and determination that leads to the finished product. Why not create the ‘Diamonds’ together, and allow the participant to produce the award work by themselves?


Can the young people do any of the awards?

The awards are designed to challenge different aged young people in different ways. Each of the awards states the age that the award is designed to cater for. The Participants can start at an award lower than the one aimed at them should they want. 


The Emerald Award is for 12 years and over. What is the maximum age that can participate?

Participants that are any age older than 12 can take part in this award. It would probably not suit young people who are above Key Stage 4.


Do the young people have to do ‘Diamonds’?

No, the diamonds are aimed at those young people who produce a wide variety of work and are keen to be recognised for their efforts. It is a way of saying “This work does not fit into anything in the award, but I’m proud of it”.


Can the young people use artwork they have done in the past to count as one of the things needed for the award?

All the pieces of work for each award should be specially created just for the award. The Awards are designed to develop individuals, rather than necessarily celebrating what they have achieved in the past.


Can the young people use artwork that they have made at school or art clubs for their Award?

The Awards are designed to develop the abilities of the participants. If they would be making this art anyway, at school or clubs, then it would be better not to include this in the Awards. If you are a teacher and would like to use the Art Awards as a focus to your classes get in touch; we can arrange a special rate and can help you along the way.


How long have they got to achieve the Awards? Is there a time limit?

There is no time limit. You can take several weeks, months, or even longer to achieve the work needed for the Award. It would not be desirable to do all the necessary parts in a short period of time. It would be better to do part of the award and then produce some Diamonds, before trying to complete the next section.


What do I do if it is impossible to visit a museum or art gallery?

Remember that the museum does not have to be a large or famous one. Although a trip to a gallery such as the National Gallery in London may be wonderful, it is not always possible. There are many wonderful local museums and galleries. If you have problems finding one do contact The Artroom.  If an in-person visit becomes impossible due to a further lockdown, many galleries offer virtual tours which would be acceptable in a lockdown situation. 

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