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Thank you for booking a course at
The Artroom
We are sure that you will enjoy the activities booked. Please make a note of the time and dates that you have booked.These can be found on the main pages of the website.
Please spend some time reviewing The Artroom policies HERE
Please make sure you know which venue your course is being held at. Locations for the different venues can be found HERE
Courses for Adults
You will not need to bring anything with you apart from enthusiasm and a willingness to have a go! All the materials and equipment you will need will be supplied for you. You may want to bring an art overall. Tea/coffee will be available. For day long courses you will need to bring a packed lunch.
Courses for Young People
Please ensure that young people attending are suitably dressed. For courses longer than an hour we will usually have a break for drink and biscuits, and an opportunity to play outside so if it is cold please bring a suitable top. Children do not need to change clothes for After School Clubs. Art overalls will be provided where appropriate.
If your son/daughter is with us for the whole day they will need a packed lunch and will be supervised as they eat. Please note that The Artroom cannot guarantee that the environment is nut free. Please contact us if this is a problem.
Unless otherwise stated the sessions are for the children only, and parents do not stay. We have our own chaperone.
If it is the first time, from September 2024, your son/daughter has attended an activity with The Artroom, you will need to fill in a Parental Consent Form, and bring it along to the event. If your son/daughter is bringing a friend they will need one too.
Please Click here to down load both pages of the form:
We really look forward to seeing you !

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