Andover Winter Wonderland Day Lantern Parade
Sunday 4th December
As part of the Andover Winter Wonderland Day brought to you by Bringing Together Andover CIC and Our Andover CIC, there is to be a lantern parade from St Mary's Church all the way through the town centre ending up at Town Mills Pocket Park. The parade sets off at 5.00pm and should finish about 6.00pm. The Parade will be singing along to Christmas Carols as it progresses - a wonderful way to get in the Christmas mood.
The Artroom has a couple of ideas of how to make a splendid lantern for you to carry as you make your way through the streets of Andover.
Why not try to make one?
This idea is a good way of recycling your empty fizzy drink bottles. It's relatively easy and lots of fun for kids to make. Why not have a go?
This star lantern is a bit more tricky to make, and would need someone with a fair deal of patience and a bit of crafting skill. A little tricky... but the result is stunning!
Why not have a go?
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