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Aldershot Armed Forces Day

Community Art Project

Young People's version
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We are delighted that you are  joining in with the Armed Forces Day Art Project. We now have 20 different schools involved and over 4300 young people participating.


Here is a video that will help you explain to the Young People in your school what is happening. We look forward to working with you, your school and the young people in your care.


Saying 'thank you' worksheets 

Some ideas to get you thinking about 'saying thank you'. Aimed at younger pupils. 

Click on the image to download the PDF

Untitled 3.png
Thank you poster .png
Thank you worksheet.png
Thank you to the Army.png
Simplified face drawing

Here is a simplified way of drawing a face, looking at different proportions. Nothing beats a real person actually teaching how to do something, but the video and work sheet might be useful for those teachers that are feeling a bit nervous.


** Please discourage the children from drawing 'ANIME', or cartoon style faces. **

Simplified face drawing
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to download PDF click on image.

Who Does What?

This worksheet outlines what each of the 7 roles we are thinking about actually does. If you visit the Army recruitment website they have a whole host of jobs details listed. There are two Microsoft Word files listing all the jobs mentioned on that website, one file has hyperlinks to all the jobs listed. Click to download.

How to thread the discs on the string

A short video of the "ideal" way to thread the discs to the string ....and the "I'm pushed for time" way too!

string tie
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The official Armed Forces Day Website 

The official Armed Forces Day Website has a lot more information including artwork, colouring sheets, images and and videos that may help you with your planning of this year's Armed Forces Day in your School. Click on the flag below to visit this site.


Privacy Notice – Armed Forces Day schools arts project 


We need your contact information to ensure that we can contact you regarding your participation in the project. By submitting your details, you are giving consent for the data controller, John Ritchie of The Artroom (the external Project Coordinator), to process your information and to share this with Rushmore Borough Council. 


Your data will be held electronically. Contact details will be kept on the Council’s system for 12 months and on the external Project Coordinator’s system for 16 weeks.


Please see Rushmoor Borough Council’s full Privacy Policy on our website:

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